Monday Nov 20, 2023
On the Record..PBM “Partnerships”: What Pharmacies Need PBMs to Know | The PUTTcast
The PBM Express Scripts recently asked to convene an independent pharmacy advisory group to determine how PBMs could be better “partners” with independent pharmacies - PUTT responded with a comprehensive letter outlining many of the issues pharmacies confront in their daily dealings with PBM “partnerships”... this month, the PUTTcast is taking that conversation a step further.
Join Monique Whitney, PUTT President Deborah Keaveny, and special guest pharmacy owners EpicRx CEO Brian Hose, and MPA past President Jerry Callahan as they take a deep dive into pharmacy/PBM business relationships, including how they affect:
drug pricing;
patient care;
all forms of pharmacy including the chains, and;
why FTC and legislative intervention is critical to addressing many of the issues.
Because, to quote PUTT President Deborah Keaveny, “no pharmacy can provide quality patient care if it cannot generate sufficient revenue to conduct its daily operations.”
To read PUTT’s official letter to Express Scripts click here